As a part of my attempt to share my life and journey with others... here you'll find honest, simple ramblings about the life I never expected.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Swim Lessons
What I'm sitting here pondering is where in the world did the courage come from to do that? All in one day I convinced myself to conquer this fear. Granted, I have yet to step foot in the water let along put my head under water...but, still I've made up my mind and convinced myself it is worth the investment and risk.
So, why can't I see the same worth in relationships? Sometimes the risk of pain is just too overwhelming....and paralyzing to say the least. Are there some drops you can buy, or brace you can wear to avoid pain during or after you take the risk? It would be so nice. Again, I'm faced with my unbelief. If my faith were better grounded in the character of God perhaps I wouldn't have such weak knees. He promises to walk with me through this life...through the fun and the pain in relationships. Such a reminder of how much I need to rest in Him whether the fear seems silly or paralyzing. I'm good at keeps me from so many good things in life. I pray that the Lord will help me be good at faith... I just don't want to miss out on what He has for me.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
The Road to Hell
Such a catchy title, huh?! Well, I stole it. It comes from a quote by John Donne. He said, "The road to Hell is paved with good intentions." Why this quote has stuck in my mind since college is beyond me. Why couldn't it be a more happy thought like "God is Love" ...or "You are my sunshine"....or... fill in the blanks. Only the Lord knows why...perhaps He knows it movitates me on some dark, twisted level. I'm not afraid of going to Hell..because I am confident that my faith in Christ is enough. What strikes me is that unfulfilled intentions can fill a life. Ick. Sounds awful and I don't want that to be true of me.
Especially now that I'm back to living by myself I'm struck by the truth that so much possibility lies before me and is somewhat within my control. It is so easy (and honestly, fun, sometimes) to be enveloped by my cushy couch and drown the entire night with the brainless sounds of the tv. While this activity is perhaps one of my favorites I am struck by the vision the Lord has given me for my life. Not so much the career vision...but the "being" vision. Who He wants me to be... I do long to be a light for Jesus wherever I am...but how many times have I moved and never bothered to meet my neighbors? Oh, I always thought I should...just never made it happen. Or how often do I plan my schedule based on what fills my cup...instead of what can I do for someone else. I don't want to squander this life on myself...that is not why I'm here. I know deep down that if I continue on this path I will be left with regret. Yet, it is such a default setting for me.
I'm so grateful for the grace of God. He knows I'm prone to wander. He knows that I sometimes think on some level...that I would never verbalize....that He doesn't know my needs and ultimately no one will meet them if I don't do it myself. He knows my unbelief and still surrounds me with His kind and abundant love. I still don't get it.
I think that part of me developing a greater understanding of His love will come from me choosing to step out in faith and do the things that may not come naturally...but can communicate His love in some small way. Maybe....I might need to noodle on that just a little's a fresh revelation.
Why all this rambling? Well, I've been convinced by the Spirit of God to be different in this apartment complex. I made chocolate chip cookies...and ventured out to meet the neighbors tonight. Shrouded in fear I started knocking on doors. While I haven't been able to meet everyone yet I am overwhelmed by God's goodness. I met two families who just moved here from Korea. They didn's speak much English...but did you know Chocolate chip cookies transcends language barriers. Seemed like there were a gillion kids in there...they jumped up and grabbed the cookies while I tried to make some conversation with one of the moms. Precious.
Who knows if I'll ever see these folks doesn't matter. I just want to be available...and not so focused on my own life.
Actually, I need to go next door... babysitter said they'd be back by 8.
Friday, August 10, 2007
Rocky Mountain High Epilogue
August 5. 2007
I’m back in
After my long drive home and the family reunion last Saturday, I spent a couple days with my family. The reunion was pretty tame and low key. There were only about 20 of us there…including some family members I’ve never met. It was a huge deal for my mother who is growing more and more sentimental each day. My cousin stayed in town until Monday and hung out with my family most of the time …which is fine and great for him. All that to say…I was so glad to get back to
None of the guys on my “wish-they-would-ask-me-out” list delivered. It’s okay, though. I’m really okay with that. While I love the attention of their friendship… heart is somewhat weary and perhaps…content..with my life now. Who knew it could happen after a summer like this??
In a nugget, I loved my summer. I loved training my team and watching them thrive and be refreshed throughout the summer. Loved it. I loved learning more about how I’m wired and having the opportunity to process with “neutral” parties.
As I begin to reconnect with folks and have about 30 seconds to describe my summer….I am more and more grateful for your accompaniment all summer. Thanks for just “listening”. Your willingness to read along and pray has meant a ton to me the past two months. Community is huge...and the Lord has been so generous to me through you.
Rocky Mountain High 6
July 20. 2007
One week from today I leave
My heart has been in a happy, contented, and grateful place for a few days now. The Lord has been faithful to generously give me what I needed this summer. I have enjoyed being able to float from group to group out here and be my “selectively sociable” self.
We tried to get a group to go out and country dance. Ha. Coloradans line dance. So much wrong that. The dance floor was half-filled with line dancers….so those who wanted to two-step were quite limited. It was so sad to me…the place was packed out, had a great live band, but the majority only danced to hip hop. Why would they even bother to go to a country place? I don’t get it. I did get one good dance in…so packing my boots was worth it!
Last weekend through Wednesday was our “Ministry Days”….all the individual ministries within Crusade meet for vision, worship, and teaching specific to their scope. Last night began the US Staff Conference---so all 6,000 of us are in one arena. It is pretty amazing to look around during worship and to consider how the Lord is working around the world through every person in the room. It is fantastic and so visionary. It is good for my heart to be here and let the Lord work on my heart however He chooses. As many of you know, this Spring I have considered leaving staff once again….it’s a common occurrence for me each Spring I’m learning. I don’t know how long the Lord will leave me in my current role, or in
This morning’s talk was given by Chip Ingram. It was on John 11 and Jesus’s reaction to Mary and Martha’s request to come and heal Lazarus. Jesus didn’t take away the pain…but did it “so that you may believe.” Such a reminder that the Lord may not remove the “thorn” of the season….but He still loves us deeply and cares more about our knowing him than about solving my “problem”. Great reminder for all of us.
Rocky Mountian High 5
July 13. 2007
Hope you have had a great week. This week has flown by for me. Work has been crazy as we are expecting about 2000 folks to arrive this weekend. Yes, we'll be working most of Saturday and Sunday...trying to get folks in the right place and fully informed about the conference next week.
Work has been kind of crazy as we prepare for the masses. My team is pretty if you think of us...please pray...the next two days will be difficult and we will be very aware of our need for the Holy Spirit...hopefully..we'll be submitting to him all weekend as we serve the staff. I love my team...I have been blessed with such sweet relationships with them. It has been fun to live life with them in the dorms and in the cube. Some of my girls are heartbroken...some sick of people...and some just overloaded by life. I'm sure they would appreciate your prayers. Luckily-we got a new team member this week...he's fresh out here and excited about the work...which is nice to have at this point.
Some of you have asked about the devotional I gave on Monday. I have been so encouraged by the feedback from folks here. Basically I shared about unmet desire...using my desire for marriage as an example. In an effort not to breakdown in front of strangers..I made fun of myself and the situation/pressure out here. Most people found me fact
my director keeps saying... "I didn't know you were so funny!". I
talked about how we can choose to live with unmet desire in so many ways....hopelessness...or putting hope in our own strength..or we can live as Psalm 131 describes-as a stilled and quieted soul...trusting in the Father. It was challenging for me to light of the past few you all know. It was encouraging and healing for me I think.
Great news! My computer died yesterday...but I'm in CO which means I have tech guys at my beck and call. They worked all day and this morning on the computer...all to find out my memory was bad. At least we have a diagnosis...I'm getting new memory...but the best part is that it is fixed well. I'm not sitting here waiting for the next seizure.
I hope you're doing well. I can't believe it is July 13th already. I'll be back in Austin August 1st! I can't wait to get home and live life there. It really has been fun here...and it will be bittersweet to leave in some ways.
Rocky Mountain High 4
July 6. 2007
Rocky Mountain High 3
June 28.2007
It’s Thursday night and I’m avoiding studying for my Old Testament final exam tomorrow. So, call it what you’d want, but I thought I’d take some time to write and update you on the week.
I’ve been taking an Old Testament Survey class for the past two weeks. It has been a whirlwind of information but so fun too. I have really enjoyed our professor and his perspectives. The final is tomorrow and while I’ll be glad to put the uber-anal-studious Robyn away, I’ll be sad to end my afternoons of lecture…at least to a degree. The next couple weeks will be spent working on housing alone…so who knows how busy I’ll really be. I need to find something to occupy my mind for sure.
The Lord is working…and I am grateful. A girl on my floor asked me the other night “what are you praying for this summer?”. I was so taken back by that question. I was shocked because my gut reaction was to spurt off “a date, duh??!!” Gratefully, I caught myself before I said that out loud and just said “let me get back with you.” As I took this disturbing encounter before the Lord I was really disgusted with my heart’s condition. I just found in me a heart so focused on men that I didn’t care about others, ministry, or any other possible relationship this summer. I was sad also that I found a spirit of entitlement in me which, ironically, is one of my biggest pet peeves in others. I have had several times with Jesus lately where I have just had to confess my frustration and spirit of entitlement. While being married is obviously a huge desire in me (and so many)…I don’t ever want it to supersede my desire for the Lord. I want my heart to be focused on Him, trusting in Him…and leaving my anxious desires at His feet and living in a way that I can rest and trust daily. As simple as this may sound…I’m re-learning my purpose on this planet is not to be married someday. It’s kind of ironic to me because as I’ve reflected on this I realize that I go through this “object lesson” every summer in some shape, form, or fashion. Obviously, I’m a slow learner. Obviously, Jesus’ grace and mercy are abundant in my life.
Rocky Mountain High 2
June 22.2007
This week has felt super long. We registered close to 500 folks last weekend and started all the tracks this past Monday. One of the tracks is seminary classes. I’m taking Old Testament Survey and class started this past Monday and our final is next Friday. Yikes. Lots of reading…and studying. It’s a different world here.
Rocky Mountain High 1
This is my first entry. Really, this is the beginning of my summer. I actually wrote this June 14, 2007. Sorry if you weren't on the original email. No hard feelings, please. This will just give you insight into my summer experience!
June 14. 2007
I can’t believe I’ve been here almost two weeks already. I has gone by super fast!
This summer’s team is so fun! I decided to recruit my own team this time around- call me control freak- but I just wanted the right kind of person on my team …someone who can thrive in this type of position. I was able to recruit two fellow staff members to come out as well as Sarah Bubb- most of you know Sarah from FEFC. So far, this is a team of rock stars! They are so great….I’ve given them the basic knowledge, tools, and power…and watch out…this job is being done in record time!! I love it…and we are laughing our way through it. Such a fun way to serve our fellow staff together.
I am living in the dorm again this summer…pros and cons…but I like it. The biggest con is that the dorm is not air-conditioned. The main operations director, however, has surprised me and is putting an air-conditioner in my room!! I just can’t believe it. I’m not sure what it will be like to dry my hair mid-july without sweating ??!!! Be still my soul! God is good to me. I think He loves me.