Friday, August 10, 2007

Rocky Mountain High 6

July 20. 2007

One week from today I leave Fort Collins . I can’t believe how quickly the summer has flown by.

My heart has been in a happy, contented, and grateful place for a few days now. The Lord has been faithful to generously give me what I needed this summer. I have enjoyed being able to float from group to group out here and be my “selectively sociable” self.

We tried to get a group to go out and country dance. Ha. Coloradans line dance. So much wrong that. The dance floor was half-filled with line dancers….so those who wanted to two-step were quite limited. It was so sad to me…the place was packed out, had a great live band, but the majority only danced to hip hop. Why would they even bother to go to a country place? I don’t get it. I did get one good dance in…so packing my boots was worth it!

Last weekend through Wednesday was our “Ministry Days”….all the individual ministries within Crusade meet for vision, worship, and teaching specific to their scope. Last night began the US Staff Conference---so all 6,000 of us are in one arena. It is pretty amazing to look around during worship and to consider how the Lord is working around the world through every person in the room. It is fantastic and so visionary. It is good for my heart to be here and let the Lord work on my heart however He chooses. As many of you know, this Spring I have considered leaving staff once again….it’s a common occurrence for me each Spring I’m learning. I don’t know how long the Lord will leave me in my current role, or in Austin ….but being here reminds me that I get to be a part of the bigger vision of Crusade in a unique way. How quickly I forget as I get buried in the mundane. Today has been a good day…no anxiety about the future….or even if the Lord will give me a spouse. Today I’m good…

This morning’s talk was given by Chip Ingram. It was on John 11 and Jesus’s reaction to Mary and Martha’s request to come and heal Lazarus. Jesus didn’t take away the pain…but did it “so that you may believe.” Such a reminder that the Lord may not remove the “thorn” of the season….but He still loves us deeply and cares more about our knowing him than about solving my “problem”. Great reminder for all of us.

You can continue to pray for me and my stamina. Some mornings I wake up and want to avoid anyone breathing….but then some days I’m fine. I am tired of crowds….but know that it will be over before I know it… and I need to be “all here” mentally, emotionally, and relationally. There are a couple guys out here I’d love to go out with if the Lord would be so gracious…but either way…I’ll trust him.

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