Friday, August 10, 2007

Rocky Mountain High Epilogue

August 5. 2007

I’m back in Austin now..WAHOO!!….it is August and stinkin hot and humid….shew! It really does make me appreciate Colorado. I love Austin, though---so nice to be home.

After my long drive home and the family reunion last Saturday, I spent a couple days with my family. The reunion was pretty tame and low key. There were only about 20 of us there…including some family members I’ve never met. It was a huge deal for my mother who is growing more and more sentimental each day. My cousin stayed in town until Monday and hung out with my family most of the time …which is fine and great for him. All that to say…I was so glad to get back to Austin and find solitude. So quiet and peaceful…it is Friday and I’m finally beginning to let down. Who knew it would take so long??!!

None of the guys on my “wish-they-would-ask-me-out” list delivered. It’s okay, though. I’m really okay with that. While I love the attention of their friendship… heart is somewhat weary and perhaps…content..with my life now. Who knew it could happen after a summer like this??

In a nugget, I loved my summer. I loved training my team and watching them thrive and be refreshed throughout the summer. Loved it. I loved learning more about how I’m wired and having the opportunity to process with “neutral” parties.

As I begin to reconnect with folks and have about 30 seconds to describe my summer….I am more and more grateful for your accompaniment all summer. Thanks for just “listening”. Your willingness to read along and pray has meant a ton to me the past two months. Community is huge...and the Lord has been so generous to me through you.

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